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Wealth Solutions Designed Around You



Gambit Asset Management is an independent Registered Investment Advisor and Fee-Only Fiduciary. Whatever your financial needs are, we help you create and manage a customized, disciplined financial plan you can feel confident about for the long-term.


Your trust and wealth advisory needs are our primary objective.  We have a passion for using our expert guidance to help you feel comfortable about your current and long-term goals and strive to achieve the highest standards when serving as the steward of your wealth.


The foundation of our competitive edge  is based on three principles:

  • Creating a fully integrated wealth management plan specific to you.

  • Utilizing our extensive industry experience and specialized financial designations.

  • Emphasizing low-cost strategies which allow you to put more of your money to work.



Our comprehensive approach seeks to identify opportunities to optimize every aspect of your portfolio in as many as eight different areas of wealth management within Financial Planning, Estate Planning and Financial Wellness. As we work together, you will have an investment plan that fully integrates every aspect of your wealth.

Significant Industry Experience To

Experience matters when managing complex investment portfolios. Your trust and wealth advisory needs are our highest priority, so your portfolio will always be managed by a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) that has extensive industry experience and has undergone rigorous training in all aspects of financial planning. We also offer highly specialized backgrounds in investments, derivatives / stock options, divorce financial planning and corporate compliance.  

Certified Financial Planner


Although many professionals call themselves “Financial Planners”, less than 20% have earned a CFP® designation.   CFP® professionals are trained to work with you in all phases of a financial planning process, including tax planning, employee benefits and retirement planning, estate planning, investment management and insurance. CFP professionals must also act as your Fiduciary at all times.

Certified Divorce Financial Analyst


A divorce between high net worth couples may have significant financial complications. A divorce attorney is trained on the legal aspects of a divorce but may require assistance with respect to tax issues, capital gains, dividing pensions, generating investment income, etc. 

The role of the CDFA® is to help both client and lawyer understand the financial implications of and plan for a divorce.

Investment Vehicles and Fee-Only Advice 

An investment portfolio managed by an advisor will have two types of fees:

  • Investment vehicles like mutual funds or ETFs charge a management fee, and these fees can vary greatly depending on the fund.  We identify cost-effective investments that match your investment criteria.

  • Advisors can be compensated in two ways, commissions and/or fee-based, depending on their classification as a broker or RIA.  We are fee-based and only charge for the assets we manage for you.  Without commissions or other hidden fees, your portfolio has more money to grow over time.


Contact us to schedule a consultation:

Gambit Asset Management

630 Dundee Rd., Ste. 135

Northbrook, IL 60062


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